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My practice attempts to capture the continuous process of becoming, of being fashioned from sedimentary layers through the alchemy of paint. Through improvisation and modification, entropy and decay, images evolve, dissolve and rematerialise over time and happenstance. The work exists between uncertainty and resolve.

The surface is built by dragging, monoprinting, removing and reworking the paint, allowing earlier moments to emerge or disappear. Each piece is made over a period of weeks or months, with paint-layers representing numerous points in time and place, a record of countless diversions, decisions and discoveries. The numbered titles represent a kind of progression or flow.

The materiality of paint is central to the fabrication of these pieces. Not only does it animate the surface it also bears witness to what lies below, giving hints and suggestions about what might become evident or what has been erased and lost through time. The paint seems fluid and dynamic in some areas, solid and substantial in others, revealing a tension between elements that are visible and  traces that exist below.

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